This month's pile is a little sad! I was in a reading slump for most of the month. Because I was spending every extra moment knitting Christmas gifts, I didn't get a lot of reading done, and I wasn't particularly excited about what I was reading. As always, click on the title for my Goodreads review.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling. I'm rereading the Harry Potter series one book each year, because of these new illustrated editions. (They're releasing one book each fall.) I love this book and this series, and the illustrations are gorgeous, but I wasn't really in the mood for it, I guess.
The Amazing Thing About the Way It Goes, by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. I love the Yarn Harlot blog, and I've previously read two of her books and really loved them. But this one was disappointing because the others were knitting themed, and there was almost no knitting here. She's a good storyteller, and a few of the essays near the end were great, but I don't think I'll be holding on to this one.
My True Love Gave To Me, edited by Stephanie Perkins. I won this book in a giveaway last year, but it was too late to read it for Christmas, so I picked it up this year. I didn't read all of the stories, only about 7 of the 12. There were a few really adorable ones, and a few okay ones (details about specific stories are in my review). I might finish the rest of the stories next Christmas.